Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Ainslie wood westdale secondary plan

City hamilton, Subject: ainslie wood/westdale neighbourhoods secondary plan and class ea (pw03158) (ward 1) - page 3 of 15 were proposed. all proposed alternatives were then tested against several criteria in the categories of technical, natural environment and social/ economic impacts to select the preferred alternative. the tmp report grouped the recommended. Secondary plans city hamilton, ontario, canada, Every municipality has an official plan that provides an overall vision, goals and objectives for the growth and development, protection of resources and construction of infrastructure for sustainable communities. what is a secondary plan? secondary plans can be considered a second layer of the city-wide official plan. they include a land use plan with implementing policies. Urban hamilton official plan city hamilton, ontario, .

Urban hamilton official plan, 4.2 volume 2 – secondary plans text 4.2.1 chapter .6.0 – hamilton secondary plans – section .6.2 – ainslie wood westdale secondary plan . volume 2, chapter .6.0 – hamilton secondary plans, section .6.2 – ainslie wood westdale secondary plan amended adding site specific policy, :. Planning economic development department, As ainslie wood westdale secondary plan incorporated uhop, detailed policy framework apply proposed amendment. property designated density residential 2 map .6.2.1 – ainslie wood westdale secondary plan, permits single detached dwellings, semi-detached. Proposed large residential developments , The awwca supports increased density outlined ainslie wood westdale secondary plan (2005). registered objections proposals part, , depending apparent impact opinions - members..


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