How drink trough picnic table today', Fill the gutter with drinks and ice. watch this video to find out more. further information. building a picnic table for your yard (video) building an adirondack chair for your yard (video) designing an outdoor entertainment area (video) video transcript adding a drink trough to a picnic table is an easy project that can be done in an hour or two.. 5 … gutters picnic table, diy gutters, Jul 24, 2013 - so, what can you do with old gutters or the remants from a new installation? here are five smart rain gutter diy projects that may surprise you.. Runs cookies: build squirrel picnic table (, As i said before, this table was not my idea it came from a photo of a table that went viral. a man made a squirrel picnic table and shared the photo on facebook, and then several people sent the picture to me and said i should make one. of course i agreed! (here is a link to the original: squirrel picnic table by rick kalinowski).
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